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An Attitude of Gratitude

I have been spending a great deal of time the past few days reminiscing about the past two years and navigating the rough waters of creating a business and honing my skills as a photographer. Through this reflection, I have come to one certainty: I am intensely, undeniably, and abundantly grateful for the families, couples, and individuals who have given me their time and who trusted me to capture the beautiful moments in their lives.

When I schedule a photo shoot, I feel a combination of emotions. While I am always excited and my brain will immediately start thinking about locations, poses, and lighting concepts, there is an inherent sense of responsibility. These new parents are relying on me to understand them and what they would want to display in their home for years. This family is trusting that my skills will be worth the money and time. That newly engaged couple has faith that I will be able to create images that they can proudly send out to family and friends.

Every new job for me is a leap of faith for my client.

I would not be where I am without the amazing clients that I have been able to work with. Thank you for believing in me.

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